Family Stories, Military Service, United States Genealogy

Dr. John Cyrus Gilbreath Jr. an Oklahoma Centenarian

As I was working on my family history this week I came across my great-granduncle John Cyrus Gilbreath Jr, the brother to my great-grandmother Alta Estelle Patterson. I called Alta "Granny" when I grew up visiting her, she lived to be 101.5 years old. You can read more about her here: John Cyrus was… Continue reading Dr. John Cyrus Gilbreath Jr. an Oklahoma Centenarian

German Genealogy, Uncategorized

Connecting to our Ancestors

Have you been researching and felt really connected to an ancestor? This is how I felt when I learned about Anna Elisabeth Brand. I have already posted a blog about Anna and her husband that you can read: Anna was born on 13 August 1865 in Kassel, Germany. According to my grandmother, she was… Continue reading Connecting to our Ancestors

Family Stories, German Genealogy

The Von Emde Family

I have been researching my third great-grandmother, Sophie Jacob, and her sister Catherine Jacob. I knew from baptism and marriage records that their parents were Heinrich Jacob and Elizabeth Von Emde. I want to find more information about their life. Catherine Jacob was born on 2 December 1833 in Leckringhausen, Germany, and her sister Sophie… Continue reading The Von Emde Family

United States Genealogy

The life of Charles Edgar Skipper.

Charles Skipper is my great grand uncle, son of my great grandparents George Newton Skipper and Sarah Catherine Bishop, born 2 April 1885 in Effingham, Illinois. When Charles was about 8 years old George and Sarah made the move to Oklahoma and George ran in the 1893 Cherokee Strip Land Run, where he staked a… Continue reading The life of Charles Edgar Skipper.

German Genealogy

Catholic Records in Hesse, Germany.

I have one line of my German ancestors that is Catholic and I was not sure how to research them. As I learned about having Lutheran Church records, I started to research how to find Catholic records and see if I could find my family. I was specifically looking for more information on my… Continue reading Catholic Records in Hesse, Germany.